Mercury Ii Chloride Formula

Mercury (II) Chloride Formula

Mercury II Chloride Formula or Mercuric chloride formula, also known as Mercury (II) chloride formula, is discussed in this article. Two chloride anions (Cl-1) and one mercury (II) cation (Hg+2) make up this compound. HgCl2 is the molecular or chemical formula of Mercury (II) chloride. Due to its inability to be obtained naturally, mercuric chloride must be produced chemically. The solid is white and crystalline. No odour emanates from it. Acetate, acetone, ethyl acetate, and ethanol are readily soluble in hot water, whereas cold water is poorly soluble. The Mercury II Chloride Formula compound is slightly soluble in both benzene and pyridine. Mercuric chloride, mercury dichloride, and corrosive sublimate are other names for Mercury II Chloride Formula.

Mercury (II) chloride Formula Structure

As a result of the action of chlorine on mercury or mercury(I) chloride, mercury chloride is obtained. A hot, concentrated solution of mercury(I) compounds, such as nitrate, can also be treated with hydrochloric acid to produce this compound.

Hg2(NO3)2 + 4 HCl → 2 HgCl2 + 2 H2O + 2 NO2

It is also possible to separate the volatile Mercury II Chloride Formula by sublimation by heating a mixture of solid mercury(II) sulphate and sodium chloride. De aluminibus et salibus describes the synthesis of Mercuric chloride for the first time.

Mercuric chloride is used primarily as a catalyst for converting acetylene to vinyl chloride, a precursor to polyvinyl chloride:

C2H2 + HCl → CH2=CHCl

Approximately 5-weight percent of the mercuric chloride is supported on carbon in this application. This technology has been replaced by the thermal cracking of 1,2-dichloroethane. It is also used as a depolarizer in batteries and as a reagent in organic synthesis and analytical chemistry. Plant tissue culture uses it to sterilize explants such as leaves and stem nodes.

Properties Of Mercury (II) chloride Formula

Due to its linear triatomic structure, Mercury II Chloride Formula does not exist as a salt containing discrete ions, but rather as a salt containing linear triatomic molecules. Each Mercury atom has two chloride ligands bonded with a distance of 2.38 A; six more chlorides are further away, with a distance of 3.38 A.

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