Molecular Formula

Molecular Formula

One important part of Chemistry is the Molecular Formula. It assists students in performing various calculations and improving their understanding of the subject. It is one of the fundamental ideas in Chemistry and aids in giving them a solid foundation. The actual number and type of atoms that make up a single molecule of a compound are specified in its Molecular Formula. A Molecular Formula is made up of chemical symbols. A compound’s constituent elements are denoted by their chemical symbols, which are followed by numeric subscripts that indicate how many atoms of each constituent are contained in the molecule. A Molecular Formula is not a chemical name and is wordless. A Molecular Formula may suggest particular simple chemical structures, but it is not the same as a formula for the entire chemical structure. Compared to structural formulas, they are more limiting. They are concise and simple to express, but lack the details on atomic arrangement and bonding that are included in a structural formula. It is a means of presenting details regarding the chemical ratios. It has one line of numbers and element symbols. Other symbols, such as parentheses, dashes, brackets, plus (+) and minus (-) signs, are occasionally also used. Every element found in the molecular compound is listed, along with its type and atom count. The formula will always be a multiple of the formula in an integer. It stands for the sole whole-integer atom ratio within a compound. A compound’s formula is frequently an equivalent to or a multiple of another compound’s formula.

Calculation of Molecular Formula

The procedure used to ascertain a compound’s Molecular Formula include a few steps.  First step is to determine the empirical formula using the percentage composition.  Second step is to add the molar atomic masses of all the constituent atoms in the formula to determine the Empirical Formula Mass (EFM). The third step is to calculate the given compound’s molar mass.  The value of “n” is determined in the fourth step. It is done by dividing the empirical Formula Mass of the compound from the molar mass of the compound, which was determined in the 2nd step.  The whole number discovered in step 4 is multiplied by all the subscripts in the empirical formula. The molecule formula is the end result.


It is also possible to express molecules with numerous functional groups that are equal by enclosing the repeated group in round brackets. Isobutane, for instance, might be represented as (CH3)3CH. If there is any uncertainty, a single bond can be denoted with a single line or pair of dots. A triple bond can be stated with three lines (HCCH) or three pairs of dots (HC:::CH).

Law of Composition

The law of composition states that elements always combine in the same ratio to one another in any particular chemical compound. According to the law of constant composition, every sample of a given chemical compound will contain the same elements in the same ratio or proportion. For instance, any water molecule is typically constructed in a 2:1 ratio using two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. If we take a quick look at the relative masses of oxygen and hydrogen within a water molecule, we can observe that oxygen makes up 94% of the molecule’s mass. Therefore, the mass of hydrogen makes up the remaining 6%. As a result, this mass ratio will be comparable to any water molecule.

Solved Examples for Molecular Formula

Students must complete examples and exercises based on the Molecular Formula in order to fully comprehend it. While figuring out the answers to these questions, students also require precise solutions to verify their answers. On the Extramarks platform, students can find a number of solved examples on Molecular Formula. Students can learn the proper approach of using the Molecular Formula to solve problems by using these examples.

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