NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 14 Water In Hindi

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 14 Water In Hindi

The NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi discuss the principles related to water, which are extensively covered in Chapter 14. The NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi starts by listing some of the most important uses of water in daily life. After that, a daily water usage estimate is calculated using an activity in the NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi. The various sources of water, including lakes, ponds, rivers, and seas, are then mentioned in the NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi. The water cycle and cloud formation are two highly significant ideas that are thoroughly discussed through activities provided in the NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi. Evaporation and transpiration are mentioned as essential components of the water cycle in one section of the NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi, which also defines the term “rain”.

The various methods by which water falls on the ground are discussed, including snowfall and rain. In the Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi based on Water, the concept of groundwater is explained. Later sections of the NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi examine floods and droughts as examples of the two extreme water availability and shortage conditions. The solutions discuss the numerous consequences of drought and flooding, including the deaths and property losses they cause.

Additionally, the NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi on the topic of Water provides ways to conserve water. The purpose of this chapter is to raise awareness about water conservation. Near the end of the NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi, the idea of rainwater harvesting is highlighted.

The themes covered in the NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi, “Water,” are as follows:

  • How Much Water Do We Use?
  •  Where Do We Get Our Water?
  • Water Cycle: From Oceans to Land
  • What will happen if a lot of rain occurs?
  • How can We Save Water?
  • What Takes Place When It Doesn’t Rain for a Long Time?
  • Rainwater Harvesting

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 14 Water In Hindi

The NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi delve into the fundamental ideas surrounding water, including its sources, cycle, conservation, etc. Students who fully comprehend these topics are more likely to perform well in examinations.

Extramarks’ NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi are excellent resources for studying because they follow the most recent syllabus. Throughout the NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi, Extramarks features practice questions from books and video solutions to each of the topics covered in the chapter. In addition, Extramarks offers chapter and subject-specific assessments to help students with thorough preparation.

The following are a few crucial points to keep in mind before delving deeper into the NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi:

  • Solid, liquid, and gaseous phases are all possible states for water.
  • All three of these states are interchangeable.
  • Evaporation is the process by which water transforms into a gas.
  • Transpiration is the term used to describe the loss of water from plant leaves in the form of vapour.
  • Condensation is the process of turning water from a vapour into a liquid.
  • Rain is the term used to describe falling water drops.
  • Water harvesting is the direct gathering of rainwater using a variety of techniques.
  • The water cycle is the movement of water caused by evaporation, precipitation, and snowfall.

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The significance of water, an element of the earth without which life could not have begun, is discussed at the beginning of the chapter. Water is necessary for the birth and life of every organism. 71% of the earth is made up of water. How water is used in the day-to-day life of human beings has been discussed in the NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi. The source of water is then discussed in NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi. How water is used for consumption and domestic tasks? The water cycle explains how both natural and man-made circumstances cooperate to recycle water. The formation of clouds would not have been possible without condensation. Pictures have been used to describe how it rains and the science behind it. The NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi concludes with suggestions for water conservation.

  • Examples have been provided at the beginning of the chapter to highlight the significance of water.
  • The creation of life on earth was aided by the existence of water, a necessary element.
  • There are several mentions of how water is utilised for drinking and cleaning the home.
  • The water cycle has provided an explanation for the fact that there is no end to water.
  • The condensation process makes use of water from rivers, lakes, ponds, seas, and oceans.
  • The primary cause of clouds forming is the evaporation of water.
  • Clouds produce rain, which is then mixed with water in ponds, lakes, seas, rivers, and oceans.
  • It has been thoroughly explained in the NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi how rivers and rainwater move and are cleansed in many ways to avail clean drinking water and water for domestic usage.
  • The NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi conclude with advice on water conservation

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Students who use the NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi based on the topic of Water can better understand the fundamental ideas. Students must comprehend the very fundamental concept of water through the NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi if they are to do well on their tests and handle more difficult tasks in their future academic pursuits.

These NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi will provide insight into the key ideas in the chapter, Water. The NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi includes several types of questions that are essential for learning about the subject, such as true or false, fill-in-the-blank, process identification, and descriptive questions.

The NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi, Water, offer information on the importance of water for life as well as an overview of evaporation, condensation, rainfall, floods, and water that is available for human use.

Below is an overview of the key ideas in the NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi:

  • How much water do we use?
  • From where do we receive our water?
  • Aquatic cycle
  • Water Loss by Plants
  • How do clouds develop?
  • Returning to the seas
  • What happens if it rains?
  • What happens if there is a prolonged period of no rain?
  • How can water be saved?

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 14 Water in Hindi

The NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi covers the basics of water specifically. They begin by listing some of the most significant applications of water in daily life. The estimation of daily water use is then made using an activity. Then, the NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi mention the various types of water sources, including lakes, ponds, rivers, and oceans. Through exercises, two extremely important concepts—the water cycle and cloud formation—are then thoroughly explained. In this section, which also defines the term “rain,” evaporation and transpiration are highlighted as crucial elements of the water cycle.

The different ways in which water falls to the ground—snow, rain, etc.—are then explained in the NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi. In the NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi, based on the topic of Water, the concept of groundwater is elaborated. In the following sections, we discuss the two extreme cases of scarcity and abundance of water, respectively, as droughts and floods. The NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi talks about the different consequences of drought and floods and how they cause loss of life and property.

Additionally, the NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi offers a number of methods for water conservation. The goal of the NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi is to raise awareness about water conservation. Near the end of the NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi, the concept of collecting rainwater is highlighted.

The themes covered in the NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi, “Water,” are as follows:

  • How Much Water Do We Use?
  • Where Do We Get Water From?
  • Water Cycle, Back To The Oceans
  • What If It Rains Heavily?
  • How Can We Conserve Water?
  • What Happens If It Does Not Rain for a Long Period?
  • Rainwater Harvesting

Students should download the PDF file from Extramarks, which can be really helpful if they are trying to acquire accuracy in the Science subject, particularly in the Water chapter. In order to provide the students with a unique educational experience, the NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi have been carefully described and illustrated.

It is clear that water is essential for the planet and that life could not have developed without it. Three-fourths of the surface of the planet Earth is covered with water, making it a large reservoir of water. Only 2.6% of the total water is available as freshwater, though. Although water is a renewable resource, its demand and loss have sharply increased in recent years. Future shortages of freshwater could result from this. In daily life, water is used for many things, including drinking, cooking, and cleaning. Students will be able to master the NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi with a detailed and consistent approach.

There are several water sources. The availability of water depends on the number of sources that people are able to access easily. Ponds, lakes, wells, rivers, seas, and oceans are some examples. Sometimes the water sources are not fit for drinking, so water is drawn from them and filtered in a variety of facilities to make it fit for drinking. How humans use and consume water in cities and rural communities is described in NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi which focuses on Water.

Underground water, which is readily available, is provided through wells. There are many types of water bodies available to living organisms, such as rivers, lakes, and even ponds. However, rivers dry up in certain areas for a variety of reasons, such as the building of dams, excessive water use, or a lack of rainfall. Because of this, the water cycle is one of the main topics of the NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi.

Living is greatly facilitated by the evaporation and condensation processes. The primary method of transforming water into a gaseous state is evaporation (in the form of vapour). The process of turning the vapours into water molecules is called condensation. Water from diverse sources on Earth evaporates over a set time due to extreme heat. The water condenses into clouds while still in its gaseous condition, returning all of the water to the surface. The water cycle is the name given to this cycle. The NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi will provide students with a deeper understanding of the idea.

According to NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi, transpiration refers to the process of water evaporation from the surface of the earth, causing a rise in atmospheric pressure. Additionally, plants influence the water cycle. It is possible to utilise ocean water with the aid of the water cycle. Ocean water cannot be used directly from the source due to its saline composition. When salt and water separate during evaporation, clouds are created in the atmosphere. The chilly air above forces the occurrence of saturation and condensation to produce water droplets when warm air climbs into the atmosphere.

Water is present in its solid state in both refrigerator ice and mountaintop snow. Ice can be created by cooling water that has been frozen. Snow can be seen in its natural state and grows in regions that frequently experience very cold winters. The tiny water droplets in the clouds cause snow to fall.

Water that is typically accessible through facets is liquid in nature. It is liquid water that is consumed.

Water vapour or steam are common names for the gaseous form of water. The air naturally contains water vapour. Humans cannot smell or see water vapour, since it has no colour and no odour. Humans can create steam, though, and if enough of it escapes, it can even be seen. When anything gets too hot, like boiling water in a beaker, steam starts to rise out of the water. Each stage of water is described in detail in NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi, “Water,” which is also available in PDF format on Extramarks.

All the questions in Exercise 14.8 (3 short questions and 5 long questions) are answered by experts.

Students can obtain thorough solutions in accordance with the instructions and questions from the NCERT books by using the Extramarks’ NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi learning resources. The primary objective of Extramarks is to provide students in Class 6 with NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi that are focused on Water. The NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi may be referred to by students of this class for their preparation.

Sample solutions are included for simple assignments. Comprehensive chapter-specific solutions for simple learning are also included in the NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 14 In Hindi. Lessons are offered in a logical order in each PDF file. The approach aids students in finding rapid solutions to NCERT-based questions.

The primary way that all cells receive the necessary nutrients and oxygen for the brain is through water. Furthermore, water aids in regulating body temperature. Likewise, it makes it possible for one’s body to consume minerals, proteins, and amino acids. Also, it aids in the removal of waste and pollutants. Visit Extramarks to learn more about how crucial water is for everyone’s lives and the various roles it plays.

Without water, life on Earth is not conceivable. Three-fourths of the Earth’s surface is covered with water. It exists in all three states—solid, liquid, and gas—in nature. Through the process of photosynthesis, plants produce nourishment in the form of glucose. In this mechanism, glucose and oxygen are created when carbon dioxide and water interact with sunlight and chlorophyll.

Water is present on Earth in several forms, including surface water, groundwater, and others. The reservoir of water that exists just below the surface of the Earth is known as groundwater. The largest source of water on Earth’s surface is surface water.

Water vapours are created when heat causes water to evaporate. Tiny droplets are created when these vapours condense. As the quantity of microscopic water droplets grows, they combine to generate larger drops of water. Since these drops are too heavy to float, they start to fall to the ground as raindrops. The primary source of water on the planet is rainfall.

Earth’s water supply is essentially constant. Water does not evaporate; rather, it just moves back and forth between the many sources.

The existence and movement of water on, inside, and above the Earth are described by the water cycle.

The definition of water evaporation is the transformation of liquid water into water vapour. The process of condensation is the cooling-induced production of water from water vapours. Condensed water vapours that return to the earth as rain, hail, sleet, or snow are known as precipitation.

Clouds are created when water vapour from evaporation and transpiration enters the atmosphere. It returns to the earth as snow or rain. Floods are caused by too much rain, while droughts are caused by not enough rain.

Water is used in industry, agriculture, home tasks, and drinking.

Only freshwater can be used by plants, animals, and people. Despite the fact that the earth contains a lot of water, there is only so much of it that can be used. As a result, it is crucial to preserve water.

By using a process called rainwater harvesting, we can direct rainwater into pits or bore wells so that it can eventually reach the ground.

Both the method of collecting rainwater through drains and the method of harvesting rainwater from rooftops are options.

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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Can students obtain the PDF solutions for NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 14?

Yes, students can obtain the Science chapter solutions from Extramarks. Students can access the required pedagogical content from the Extramarks website or mobile application by registering themselves or signing up on the website.

2. What are the three ways in which water aids body functioning?

Water transports nutrients, moisturises tissues, and aids in controlling body temperature. It is suggested that students go through the syllabus thoroughly to secure high marks in the Class 6 Science examination.