ICSE Syllabus Class 7 Maths

ICSE Class 7 Mathematics Syllabus

Mathematics is one of the key subjects in our daily lives. Learning math makes life easier by enabling you to make wiser decisions in daily life. Our lives are made in order, and chaos is prevented by mathematics. The study of mathematics fosters various talents, including the capacity for abstract or spatial thought, creativity, critical analysis, problem-solving, and successful communication. As well as encouraging logical thinking and mental rigour, mathematics offers a powerful method for developing mental discipline. Mathematical expertise is also essential for comprehending the material in other educational disciplines like science, social studies, music, and art. Mathematical concepts and methods are also utilised to answer issues in science, engineering, and economics, among other fields and disciplines. For instance, knowing complex numbers is necessary to grasp many electronic concepts. Compared to the aforementioned mathematical literacy, the intricacy of those situations frequently necessitates using relatively advanced mathematical concepts and techniques.

Extramarks is an online learning platform that offers the most reliable study materials for classes 1 to 12. It aids in the acquisition of new knowledge and abilities. One of the best websites for information that is easy to find is Extramarks. They support all academic fields, including Science, Social Science, and Mathematics. Students can register with Extramarks and access our ICSE Class 7 Mathematics syllabus.

ICSE Class 7 Mathematics Syllabus 2022-2023

ICSE Class 7 Mathematics syllabus is a thorough document that offers specific information about the subject matter. The Extramarks team designed the ICSE Class 7 Mathematics syllabus to assist the students in understanding the subjects presented in each chapter. It would assist students in more effectively preparing for their examinations. Mentioned below are ICSE board Class 7 Mathematics syllabus.

                    ICSE Mathematics Class 7 Syllabus 
Unit No.  Topics
1. Number System
2. Ratio and Proportion
3. Algebra
4. Geometry
5. Mensuration
6. Data Handling

Contents of ICSE Class 7 Mathematics Syllabus

Unit 1. Number System

  • Division and multiplication of integers.
  • Properties of operations on integers: Associativity, commutativity, the existence of identity and inverse and distributivity.
  • Using integer operations to solve problems.
  • Solution of integer word puzzles (all operations).
  • Basics of rational numbers (with representation on a number line)
  • Word problems on rational numbers (all operations)
  • Representation of rational numbers in decimal form.
  • Solving problems using operations on rational numbers and decimal fractions 
  • Fraction as an operator
  • Reciprocal of a fraction
  • Division and multiplication of decimal fractions
  • Exponents are only natural numbers.
  • Exponential laws (through observing patterns to arrive at generalization)
  • Solving simple problems from everyday life using exponentiation principles.
  • Sets revision concept
  • Equivalent, equal and universal sets
  • Sets’ cardinal property

Unit 2. Ratio and Proportion

  • proportion and ratio (revision)
  • Continuation, consolidation, and general description of the unitary method
  • An introduction to percentage.
  • Recognising percentages as fractions with a denominator of 100.
  • converting decimals and fractions into percentages and vice versa.
  • use concerning profit and loss (single transaction only)
  • use with regard to simple interest (the time period in complete years).
  • Time, distance, and speed.

Unit 3. Algebra

  • Algebraic concepts include constants, variables, coefficients, like and unlike expressions, etc.
  • Creation of algebraic expressions
  • Performs operations (addition and subtraction) exclusively on integral coefficient algebraic formulas
  • Simple one-variable, two-operation linear equations in problems of context.
  • Inequalities are simple inequalities in one variable and their solutions.

Unit 4. Geometry

  • Recognising shapes 
    • Angles in pairs (linear, supplementary, complementary, adjacent, vertically opposite)
    • Characteristics of parallel lines with transversal ( corresponding, alternate, interior, exterior angles)
  • Triangles’ properties 
    • The Angle Sum Property
    • Exterior angle property
    • The Pythagorean Theorem (Verification only)
  • Symmetry
    •  Reflection symmetry
    • The concept of rotational symmetry, observations of 2-D object rotational symmetry. (90°, 120°, 180°)
  • 3-D representation in 2-D
    •  Recognizing and counting vertices, edges, faces, and nets (for cubes, cuboids, cylinders, cones).
    • Visually estimating and roughly mapping the surrounding area.
  • Congruence
    •  Superimposition for congruence
    • Extend congruence to basic geometric shapes like triangles and circles.
    • Congruence criteria
  • Construction 
    •  Building a parallel line to a given line from a location outside.
    • Making of simple triangles.

Unit 5. Mensuration

  • Revision of the circle’s perimeter and concept of its circumference
  • Area – Concept of measuring employing the basic unit area of a square, circle, ring, triangle, rectangle, and parallelogram.

Unit 6. Data Handling

  • Selecting the data to gather for a hypothesis test during data organisation and collection
  • Understanding what the mean, median, and mode of ungrouped data signify
  • Constructing and analysing bar graphs
  • Using data from experiments, estimate probability. The idea of chance in activities like throwing dice or money, counting and adding up the instances of numbers 1 through 6 throughout several throws and comparing the observation with the coin observation and noticing patterns in throws and the idea of randomness.

ICSE Class 7 Mathematics Syllabus & Study Materials 2022-23

One of the first materials students will encounter for the subject is the syllabus; its layout gives you a chance to make a good first impression. The ICSE Class 7 Mathematics syllabus includes the prerequisites that the students will need to succeed, including the topics and prerequisite knowledge or experiences. The ICSE Class 7 Mathematics syllabus gathers all the vital information about the topics covered in each chapter. ICSE Class 7 Mathematics syllabus contains six chapters. It includes Number System, Ratio and Proportion, Algebra, Geometry, Mensuration and Data Handling.

The Extramarks website offers the ICSE Class 7 Mathematics syllabus. Extramarks also offers ICSE Solutions, ISC & ICSE Syllabus, ICSE sample question papers, ICSE revision notes, ICSE essential questions, and ICSE question papers in addition to the ICSE Class 7 Mathematics syllabus. Students can access the ICSE Class 7 Mathematics syllabus in pdf format by signing up with Extramarks.

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ICSE Mathematics Class 7 Syllabus

The syllabus consist of six themes – Number System, Ratio and Proportion, Algebra, Geometry, Mensuration, and Data Handling.

Theme 1: Number System

  • Multiplication and division of integers
  • Properties of operations on integers: Commutativity, associativity, existence of identity and inverse and distributivity
  • Problem solving using operations on integers
  • Solution of word problems involving integers (all operations)
  • Introduction to rational numbers (with representation on number line)
  • Word problems on rational numbers (all operations)
  • Decimal representation of rational numbers
  • Problem solving using operations on rational numbers and decimal fractions
  • Fraction as an operator
  • Reciprocal of a fraction
  • Multiplication and division of decimal fractions
  • Exponents only natural numbers.
  • Laws of exponents (through observing patterns to arrive at generalisation.)
  • Application of laws of exponents in simple daily life problems
  • Revision idea of sets
  • Equal, equivalent, universal sets
  • Cardinal property of sets

Theme 2: Ratio and Proportion

  • Ratio and proportion (revision)
  • Unitary method continued, consolidation, general expression for unitary method
  • Percentage – an introduction.
  • Understanding percentage as a fraction with denominator 100
  • Converting fractions and decimals into percentage and vice-versa.
  • Application to profit and loss (single transaction only)
  • Application to simple interest (time period in complete years).
  • Speed, distance, time

Theme 3: Algebra

  • Terms related to algebra like constants, variable, terms, coefficient of terms, like and unlike terms, etc.
  • Generate algebraic expressions
  • Performs operations (addition and subtraction) on algebraic expressions with integral coefficients only
  • Simple linear equations in one variable (in contextual problems) with two operations.
  • Inequalities and solution of simple inequalities in one variable

Theme 4: Geometry

Understanding shapes

  • Pairs of angles (linear, supplementary, complementary, adjacent, vertically opposite)
  • Properties of parallel lines with transversal (alternate, corresponding, interior, exterior angles)

Properties of triangles

  • Angle sum property
  • Exterior angle property
  • Pythagoras Theorem (Verification only)


  • Recalling reflection symmetry
  • Idea of rotational symmetry, observations of rotational symmetry of 2-D objects. (90°, 120°, 180°)

Representing 3-D in 2-D

  • Identification and counting of vertices, edges, faces, nets (for cubes cuboids, and cylinders, cones).
  • Mapping the space around approximately through visual estimation.


  • Congruence through superimposition
  • Extend congruence to simple geometrical shapes e.g. triangles, circles.
  • Criteria of congruence


  • Construction of a line parallel to a given line from a point outside it
  • Construction of simple triangles.

Theme 5: Mensuration

Revision of perimeter and Idea of Circumference of Circle


Concept of measurement using a basic unit area of a square, rectangle, triangle, parallelogram and circle, rings and combined figures.

Theme 6: Data Handling

  • Collection and organisation of data – choosing the data to collect for a hypothesis testing
  • Mean, median and mode of ungrouped data – understanding what they represent
  • Constructing and interpreting bar graphs
  • Feel of probability using data through experiments. Notion of chance in events like tossing coins, dice etc.
  • Tabulating and counting occurrences of 1 through 6 in a number of throws.
  • Comparing the observation with that for a coin. Observing strings of throws, notion of randomness.

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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What is the use of learning Algebra in ICSE Class 7 Mathematics syllabus?

The field of algebra is quite distinctive. It’s incredibly ethereal. Algebra’s abstract nature forces the mind to think in completely different ways. The brain begins to work as a result of that thought, much like a muscle. The more you exercise that muscle, the better it will function in other activities.

Simply put, math strengthens the brain (as do other disciplines such as learning an instrument, doing puzzles, and, yes, even some video games). The brain’s hair-like dendrites expand and become more complex when prompted to think, enabling additional connections with other brain cells. We frequently hear that we only employ a small portion of our brain’s potential.

2. Does Mathematics in the ICSE 7th and CBSE 9th grades relate to one another?

Yes, there is some equivalence between the two; the subject standards may change, but the content remains the same. Even though most students favour CBSE, ICSE is also gaining popularity. It is made stronger by the intricate and challenging curriculum, practical knowledge, and concentration on English literature. When it comes to entrance examinations, the CBSE syllabus is chosen over the ICSE. However, it is very theoretical, which works against it in the present. The ICSE provides in-depth exposure to various subjects, including English literature, environmental science, and computing. ICSE has a benefit over CBSE because of the rapidly changing times that require keeping up with the modern world.

3. Why should I learn probability and statistics in the ICSE Class 7 Mathematics syllabus?

Students who take Probability & Statistics learn the fundamental ideas and logic behind statistical reasoning and how to identify, create, and correctly interpret acceptable descriptive and inferential procedures.The chapter also helps students understand the various applications of statistics and their importance in their daily lives and academic subjects. The only prerequisite for this course is fundamental algebra, which does not assume any prior knowledge of statistics.

4. Does the Mathematics use in ICSE help to crack JEE Mains?

The two most popular boards among students are CBSE and ICSE. You should first review the JEE Mains syllabus if you want to get ready for the examination. The CBSE board covers most JEE Mains exam topics; however, you need to consider other aspects when choosing which board to study for JEE Mains examination preparation. However, the subjects are not covered in great detail. In addition, the JEE questions are challenging, and CBSE does not teach us how to handle problems of this nature. But some of the questions in the JEE examination come straight from NCERT. 


Even though ICSE doesn’t cover the entire JEE syllabus, the topics are covered in depth and help us strengthen our skills to handle even the most challenging problems. The best choice would be to enrol in an ICSE school and keep an eye on the JEE syllabus to complete your coursework and become an expert in each subject.

5. Do I use simple interests in real life?

We occasionally run into situations in our daily lives where we need to borrow money from a bank, post office, or moneylender for a set length of time. After this time, we must repay the borrowed money with extra cash for using the lender’s funds. This additional money is known as interest. Simple interest is a quick and simple formula for calculating how much interest will be charged on a loan. The daily interest rate, the principal, and the days between payments are multiplied to calculate simple interest. Simple interest is frequently used in banks and other financial institutions to complete various calculations. It speaks about the total sum of money paid as interest on the total amount borrowed. It is employed to figure out the year’s or monthly interest on any borrower’s principal sum. Compound interest is also computed using it.