Free Fall Formula

Free Fall Formula

The self-regulating phenomenon of a mass-containing body is described by the Free Fall Formula. A gravity-driven free-fall idea that describes the body falling naturally.

Assume a body with velocity v is freely descending for a time (t) seconds from a mountain with height (h). Now, due to gravity (g), the body descends in the way described below:

The Extramarks’ website may explain the Free Fall Formula using this example. They can explain the Free Fall Formula distance as it covers a specific distance. The free-fall velocity formula can be used to determine the velocity of an object that has the Free Fall Formula.

A mountain has a maximum height, and so does the thing that is falling from it. The maximum height formula for free fall can be used to determine the eight. Since an object’s rate of change in velocity changes as it falls freely, students can also find the Free Fall Formula for the acceleration of free fall.

The Free Fall Formula will also be derived on the Extramarks’ website after the experts have covered all the equations for a falling body and the Free Fall Formula.

What is Free Fall Formula?

An object is said to be in free fall if there are no external forces acting on it other than gravity, which has the determined constant value of g = -9.8 m/s2. The object’s height, or h, is equal to 1/2 gravity times the square of the falling time. Gravity times time equals velocity.

h = 1/2gt2, m

v = gt, m/s

Free Fall Physics Formula

Students are aware that any moving item that is just being affected by gravity is said to be “in a condition of free fall.” The falling acceleration of such an object is 9.8 ms-2.

The object’s acceleration value will always be 9.8 ms-2 if it is just being affected by gravity, regardless of whether it is falling or rising toward its peak.

As a result, the Free Fall Formula acceleration states that when in free fall, “a” always equals “g.”

Free Falling Bodies Formula

The following equations for a falling body are covered by the Free Fall Formula:

Free Fall Formula for maximum height in free fall

Formula for free-fall velocity

The formula for free fall at maximal height is:

h = 1/2 gt2

Free Falling Object Formula

Imagine that an object body is falling freely from a height of h at a terminal velocity of v for t seconds under the influence of g-force. The following equations of motion will be followed:

Vi and vf are the starting and ultimate velocities of a falling object, respectively.

a stands for acceleration, and

T is the time in seconds.

Free Fall Velocity Formula

Given that the object’s initial velocity will be zero, the first equation becomes:

vf = at

Additionally, since “a = g” is the Free Fall Formula, equation (1) becomes:

vf = gt

The Free Fall Formula is used in the equation for free-falling bodies.

A further result from equation (3) is:

vf2 = vi2 +2* a* d


vf2 = 2gh……(5)

This is the Free Fall Formula velocity once more.

Free Fall Distance Formula

Displacement equals the height the falling object has gone. The following results from replacing “with “h” and “a” with “a”:

h = vit +.5 at2

Making vi = 0:

h = 1/2 gt2

The necessary free fall equation with height “h” is shown here.

Free Fall Formula for Maximum Height in Free Fall

Equation (5) gives us:

vf2 = 2gh

The formula for free fall at maximal height is:

h = vf2/2g

Maximum Height Formula Free Fall

Imagine that an object body is falling freely from a height of h at a terminal velocity of v for t seconds under the influence of g-force.

Concepts to Free Falling Objects Problem Solving

When utilising the equations to evaluate free-fall motion, there are a few free-fall motion ideas that are of utmost relevance. The following are these concepts:

The acceleration of a freely falling object is 9.8 ms-2. (In this case, the negative sign denotes an increase or decrease in downhill motion.) Whether explicitly stated or not, the acceleration in the kinematic equations for every freely falling object remains 9.8 ms-2.

The initial velocity of an object that is accidentally dropped (as opposed to thrown) from a high point is 0 m/s.

If an object is thrown vertically up, it will rise more slowly the higher it goes. The location where the velocity is zero metres per second is where it reaches the apex of its trajectory.

The final velocity (vf), which achieves a value of 0 m/s after reaching the peak, can be employed as one of the crucial motion parameters in the kinematic equations.

When an object is thrown exactly vertically upward, the velocity at which it is thrown equals, but is of the opposite sign from, the velocity at which it returns to the same height.

In a nutshell, a ball launched with an upward velocity of +50 m/s will return to the same height with a downward velocity of -50 m/s.

Free Fall Formula Calculator

This free fall calculator is a tool for calculating both the distance and velocity of a falling object. Students can use this tool to apply the free fall equation to any item, such as a person skydiving or an apple you drop.

A moving object in free fall only experiences the effects of gravity. Gravitational acceleration (g) is the sole acceleration. Such an item is not affected by any external force, including air resistance. It is interesting to note that an object in free fall does not always have to be falling (that is, moving downwards). The Moon, for instance, moves in accordance with all of the criteria given above: there is no force acting on it besides gravity (which is pulling it towards the Earth), and there is also no air resistance because space is devoid of air.

The Moon never collides with Earth.It is because the Moon is moving obliquely toward Earth’s orbit rather than directly toward it. Due to the Moon’s elliptic orbit and initial cosmic velocity, its motion produces a centrifugal force that is both equal to and the antithesis of gravity.

Study Habits Students should adopt for Better Scores

Students can increase their daily productivity in many different ways by incorporating healthy habits into their routine. Science is a rewarding topic, and with the necessary effort, one can achieve a decent grade. Many students perceive Science to be a challenging subject, but because it is based on logic and reason, it may undoubtedly help students get better grades. The following steps help students achieve better grades in Science:

Students must keep separate notebooks for their Free Fall Formula, equations, and theories so that they can readily find what they need in the enormous sea of the curriculum. Additionally, it will speed up and simplify the revision process.

As students study for the science exam, they should be sure to first do all the numerical problems on their own. If a student is having a hard time understanding a question, they may certainly ask their teachers or their books for assistance, but the best approach is to try to figure it out on your own and keep trying. While it is vital for students to learn and comprehend concepts, it is equally crucial that they grasp when and how they should be put into practice.

When studying, students should concentrate on and evaluate the subjects they are having trouble understanding. Students can narrow in on those areas and make them stronger if they are aware of their weaknesses.

To get good grades, students must develop the habit of being regular. Regular attendance at class will assist students in understanding the material. Regularity includes participating in self-study sessions as well as attending classes, lectures, and other events.

Freefall Related Solved Examples

Extramarks is an online learning platform that expertly blends technology and instruction to focus on K–12, higher education, and examination preparation. Extramarks offer thorough assistance for students’ academic development. It provides all of the tools students need to succeed on any in-person, board, or competitive exam. Along with solved examples on the Free Fall Formula, it offers students a wide range of study tools, such as K12 preparation materials, NCERT Textbook Solutions, solved sample papers, and more. The two most crucial study tools for test preparation are solved examples and practice papers.

Solved examples demonstrate that the Free Fall Formula can solve problems more accurately and rapidly. If students consistently and diligently study for exams, they can score highly. Because all of the solved examples on the website are created by their subject matter specialists, they are one of the most reliable sources for the Free Fall Formula. The Free Fall Formula is produced by the subject matter experts, who are the most informed specialists in their industries. The solved examples for the Free Fall Formula should be referred to by the students.


The Free Fall Formula is also known as the Kinematic Equations free fall because it is derived from kinematic equations. Furthermore, free fall is mass independent and only depends on the height from which the object fell.

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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What are the free fall presumptions?

Only the gravitational pull of the Earth is felt by the object: In free fall, the target object is assumed to move through a vacuum; the Earth’s atmosphere’s air resistance and the resulting drag force are disregarded.

2. In free fall, does the distance increase?

When gravity is the only force affecting an object, freefall occurs. The length of time an object spends falling is proportionate to its distance since the acceleration of gravity on Earth is constant.