Determinant Formula

Determinant Formula 

The Determinant Formula is used to rapidly get the determinant of a given matrix. It is a Mathematical entity that only applies to square matrices. A square matrix has the same number of rows as it has columns. Let’s go through the Determinant Formula and some solved cases. The Extramarks provide all the relevant information, formula, and solved examples of the Determinant Formula.

Important of Determinant Formula

If they swap the rows and columns, the determinant’s value remains constant.

When they swap any two rows or columns of a determinant with any other, the sign of the determinant changes.

When any of a determinant’s rows or columns are identical to each other, the value of the determinant is zero.

The value multiplied by K for each element in a row or column that they multiply by some constant.

If they represent some or all of the constituents in a column/row as a sum of two or more terms, they get a determinant as a sum of two or more determinants. 

What Is Determinant Formula?

A matrix’s determinant is a number that is exclusively specified for square matrices. It is used in the study and solution of linear equations. The Determinant Formula is used to compute the determinant of a matrix using the matrix’s elements.

Determinant Formula

The Determinant Formula is a phrase used frequently in Mathematics. It is implemented in linear equations and is utilised for numerous matrix computations. Determinants are Mathematical objects that may be used to analyse and solve systems of linear equations. Determinants have several uses in engineering, science, economics, and social science. They shall investigate the  Determinant Formula of a matrix.

In linear algebra, the determinant is a scalar value calculated from the square matrix’s members. A matrix of this type obeys specific transformation characteristics defined by the matrix. A matrix, as they already know, is an array of elements or integers. As a result, in determinant Mathematics is the particular number or value of a square matrix. A determinant is represented by two vertical lines on both sides.

In linear algebra, a determinant is a helpful number for determining the value of a square matrix. The determinant of any matrix A is denoted as det (A), det A, or |A|.

It is a function that receives an (n ×n) matrix as input and outputs a real integer that is the determinant of the provided matrix. Determinants appear in a variety of Mathematical disciplines. A matrix, for example, is frequently used to represent the coefficients in a set of linear equations. As efficient strategies, they employ the determinant to solve these equations.

matrix and output as a real or complex integer, which is referred to as the input matrix’s determinant. Mathematical determinants may be found everywhere. Even though more effective procedures are being utilised, some are determinant-revealing and involve means of computing the determinant itself. For instance, a matrix is frequently used to represent the coefficients in a system of linear equations, and the determinant is then used to solve these equations.

A=ca db 

The  Determinant Formula is ad – bc

Applications of the Determinant Formula

Determinants are Mathematical objects that may be used to analyse and solve systems of linear equations. Determinants are also used extensively in engineering, science, economics, and social science. Let’s look at a matrix’s determinant now.

Applications of Determinant Formula 

The  Determinant Formula is widely used in science and Mathematics. Following is a list of some of them:

To ensure that a given system of linear equations with one or more variables is consistent, determinants are used.

The equations’ consistency may be tested to see if they meet the two criteria below:

If there are one or more solutions to the system of equations, it is consistent.

If there is no solution to the system of equations, it is incoherent.

In engineering, science, social science, and economics, they have a wide range of applications.

The Determinant Formula aids in figuring out a given matrix’s inverse.

If the vertices of a triangle are known, The Determinant Formula in geometry can be used to determine its area.

Examples Using the Determinant Formula

1 Find out the determinant of

[4  7]

[2  8] 


Given 2× 2 matrix is,

A =[4  7][2  8]

Determinant is calculated as,

ad – bc = (4× 8) – (2×7) = 32 – 14 = 18 

Find the determinant of the 2×2 matrix below:

[2 3]

[4 8]


To find: Determinant of the matrix.


a = 2; b = 3

c = 4; d = 8 

Using Determinant Formula,

D2×2 = ad – bc

Put the values,

D2×2= 2(8)-3(4)


= 4

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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What Is a given Matrix's Determinant Formula?

To determine the determinant of a matrix using the matrix’s elements, the determinant of a matrix is only specified for square matrices.

The Determinant Formula for 2 by 2 matrix, 

D2×2 = ad – bc

The Determinant Formula for 3 by 3 matrix,

 D3×3= a(ei-fh)-b(di-fg)+c(dh-eg)