Cinnamic Acid Formula

Cinnamic Acid Formula

An organic molecule known as the Cinnamic Acid Formula is made up of an acrylic acid group with a phenyl substituent in the third position. Monocarboxylic acid is what it is. Shea butter and cinnamon oil both contain cinnamic acid. The chemical formula for cinnamic acid is C9H8O2. The chemical compound is extremely soluble in organic solvents and appears as a white, crystalline substance.

 Cinnamic Acid Properties 

Chemical Properties of Cinnamic Acid Formula:

The compound’s chemical characteristics include its molecular formula, complexity, hydrogen bond donor and acceptor count, trans-cinnamic acid molecular weight, and IUPAC nomenclature for Cinnamic Acid Formula.

 The properties are listed below, in order of number.

 Both trans- and cis-cinnamic acids are forms of cinnamic acid.

  • The molecular weight of trans-cinnamic acid is 148.161 g/mol.
  • The compound’s pKa value, or acidity, is 4.44.
  • The substance has a magnetic susceptibility of 7.836 10-5 cm3/mol.
  • The molecular formula for cinnamic acid, or the chemical formula, is C9H8O2.
  • Cinnamic acid has a hydrogen bond donor count of 1.
  • Cinnamic acid has a hydrogen bond acceptor count of two.
  • The chemical contains two rotatable bonds.
  • The compound has a complexity level of 155.

Physical Properties of Cinnamic Acid Formula:

 The substance has a density of 1.2475 g/cm3.

  • Cinnamic acid reaches its boiling point at around 300 °C.
  • Cinnamic acid has a melting point of 113°C.
  • Cinnamic acid’s structural formula can be described as monocrystalline.
  • The substance has white monoclinic crystals as its outward appearance.
  • The chemical substance smells like honey.
  • Cinnamic acid dissolves at 500 mg/L in water.

 Cinnamic Acid Structure 

Physically, cinnamic acid is a solid. Additionally, this acid has a boiling point of 300.0 °C. Additionally, cinnamic acid has a melting point of 133.0 °C. Additionally, 0.546 mg/mL of cinnamic acid is soluble in water. This acid has a vapour pressure of 3.21 e-05 mmHg. This acid has an octonol/water partition coefficient of 2.13. (LogP).

 Cinnamic Acid Uses

 Uses include flavourings and several pharmaceutical products.

Used as a forerunner to the sweetener aspartame in the fragrance industry.

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