Stopping Distance Formula

Stopping Distance Formula

The car won’t stop right away if the brakes are applied by the driver. The distance the car travels before coming to a stop is known as the stopping distance. It is based on the vehicle’s speed as well as the amount of road-to-wheel friction. This stopping distance calculation excludes the impact of brake pumping or anti-lock brakes. The physics underlying the distance required to stop a moving car will be examined in this lesson. With examples, you’ll learn the Stopping Distance Formula.

Stopping Distance Formula

brakes are suddenly applied while the body is moving at a certain speed. You would have observed that after travelling a certain distance, the body stops entirely. The stopping distance is that distance.

The distance travelled between the moment the body decides to stop a moving vehicle and the moment the vehicle comes to a complete stop is known as the stopping distance. The stopping distance, indicated by the letter d, is dependent on a number of variables, such as the road’s surface and the driver’s reflexes.

Concept of Stopping Distance:

When suddenly applying brakes while the body is moving at a certain speed, you’ll notice that after travelling a certain distance, the body completely stops. The stopping distance is as follows.

The distance travelled between the moment the body decides to stop a moving vehicle and the moment the vehicle comes to a complete stop is known as the stopping distance. The stopping distance, indicated by the letter d, is dependent on the road’s surface and the driver’s reflexes. the stopping distance meter’s SI unit.

The Formula for Stopping Distance:

d= v2/2μg

What other factors affect stopping distances?

As we’ve already mentioned, a variety of factors can affect stopping distances.

Weather: A car’s total stopping distance is probably longer in bad weather for a number of reasons. According to research, braking distances could potentially double in wet conditions and multiply by ten on snow or ice. This means that stopping from 70 mph could take longer in the snow than the distance of seven football fields.

road situation Even so, it’s not always obvious that “bad weather equals long stopping distances.” After a period of hot weather, when it has rained, or if oil has been spilled on the road, it may be especially greasy.

Driver condition: A driver’s age, level of alertness, and whether or not they’ve had any alcohol or drugs can all affect how quickly they react.

Although many modern cars may be able to stop in less time than the Highway Code officially allows, a car’s condition can also have an effect.

Solved Examples

Understanding the Stopping Distance Formula can be challenging for some students. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the Stopping Distance Formula will always be challenging. The Stopping Distance Formula is one of the formulas that students study. All facets of the subject and any related subjects must be understood by the students. As a result, they must be careful when applying the Stopping Distance Formula. Textbooks are the main source of education and knowledge for students, despite the fact that they only contain a small amount of information. The Stopping Distance Formula is useful for exams, but it might not be enough for other competitive exams. Students must consult extra sources in order to fully comprehend any subject, including the Stopping Distance Formula.

From the Extramarks website, students can quickly download the Stopping Distance Formula sample questions. To strengthen their conceptual foundation, they can also practise a number of questions involving the use of the Stopping Distance Formula. The Stopping Distance Formula solutions are available on the Extramarks website.

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