JEE Main Physics Question Paper Online 2018 (15 April Morning)

JEE Main Physics Question Paper Online 2018 (15th April – Morning)

Physics is often the most feared section of the Joint Entrance Exam. It could be because the section has either been lengthy or a little tough to solve in the past exams. Thus, candidates feel a lot of pressure during their Physics preparation. However, if you know what type of questions are asked and how to attempt them, you can score well. 

The JEE Main question paper usually comprises numerical, theory-based, and questions which require you to apply laws. Of these, most candidates find numericals and application-based questions the most challenging. But if you solve past years’ question papers and practice tests, you can get better at tackling them in no time. 

JEE Main Physics Question Paper Online 2018  (15th April – Morning) – Free PDF

Once you have covered the exam syllabus, you can start attempting JEE Main mock tests and past years question papers. They can help you get good exam practice and perform well on the day of the exam. So make sure to set a time and assess yourself sincerely while solving the papers. 

You can download the JEE Main Physics Question Paper Online 2018 15 April Morning in PDF format here and start solving it today. 

To download more past years’ question papers and access more preparation resources, check out Extramarks.  

How to solve JEE Main Physics Question Paper Online 2018?

  • Calm your nerves

Physics is usually the first section of the JEE Main question paper. If Physics is not your strong suit, you might get overwhelmed while attempting the MCQs. So, remember to calm your nerves through deep-breathing, positive affirmations or whatever method works for you. This alone will help you avoid silly mistakes and miscalculations caused due to stress.

  • Read the question carefully

It is very important to understand the question carefully before attempting it.Also,focus on accuracy while solving the questions.

  • Create a strategy for attempting questions

When you study the JEE Main syllabus, you are sure to find some sections and topics easier than the others. So, why not develop a strategy for attempting questions based on your strengths? Start by scanning your question paper and marking questions you’re confident about. Then attempt the direct questions first because they take the least time. Once you do that, solve questions based on the order of difficulty. So, you can attempt a good number of questions accurately. 

  • Keep an eye on the clock

The JEE exam is not only a test of your knowledge or problem-solving ability. It is also a test of your time management skills. Since you need to solve 90 questions in 3 hours, you will need to solve every question in roughly two minutes. At the same time, complex questions like numericals or application-based questions may require more time. To make sure you can attempt a good number of questions in the least possible time, it’s good to allocate time to each section. 

 JEE Main Physics Question Paper Online 2018- Best Books

  • Problems in General Physics by I.E. Irodov
  • Concepts of Physics Vol. I and II by H.C. Verma
  • Fundamentals of Physics by Halliday, Resnick & Walker