ICSE Computer Application Syllabus For Class 9

ICSE Computer Syllabus for Class 9

The most essential language is Computer Language, so offering it as a topic is beneficial for the students. If it’s not a subject, they’ll need to take separate classes to master this language. The protocols and characteristics that a computer language poses are numerous. It will take them a long time to learn them separately. It is commendable that students are taught computer fundamentals as early as grade one.

The Computer Application ICSE Class 9 Syllabus operates similarly to assist students in building a solid foundation for the subject and continuing to prepare effectively for it in both Class 9 and Class 10. The Computer Application Class 9 Solutions are also available here for those students who need it since Extramarks aims to make sure that every student gets what they need in order to succeed on exams.

The ICSE Class 9 Computer Applications Syllabus is available on the Extramarks website. An effective study programme can be made using the ICSE Class 9 Computer Solution to assess the subject’s fundamental organisation. To create a winning exam plan, candidates must fully comprehend the course material and the marking standards.

Apart from the ICSE Computer Application Syllabus For Class 9, Extramarks also offers many other resources such as ICSE Solutions, I.S.C. & ICSE Syllabus, ICSE Sample Question Papers, ICSE Revision Notes, ICSE Important Questions, ICSE Question Paper and more.

ICSE Computer Syllabus for Class 9: An Introduction

Offering computer language as a topic is advantageous for kids because it is the most important language. They’ll need to enrol in separate classes if it’s not a subject in order to learn this language. A computer language has a wide range of protocols and features. They will have a very difficult time learning them separately. It is commendable that computer basics are introduced to students as early as grade 1.

The world is centred around computers; hence, Computer Language is important. There is no such thing as a human who does not at least understand the fundamentals of computers. Computers and Technology go hand in hand. The same goes for computer languages as technology advances.

Computer language development from the early 20th century to the present day is astonishing. One such technology that never jeopardises its development is the computer. Computers are a part of everyday life; they are not just another language or subject. The pandemic in our academic life today is around computers, work, commerce, and other things.

ICSE Computer Application Syllabus For Class 9: Know the term

Computer applications are pieces of software that, regardless of the language used to do so, dynamically consume algorithms and codes to produce the desired result. These programmes are essential to the computer since they are end-user programmes that let users accomplish whatever they want.

Insight into the languages, algorithms, etc., will be provided to the students. They should also become familiar with keyboards, learn to utilise commands, and understand operating systems. Since it plays so many important roles in our daily lives, it is advised that students focus more on this subject—not for grades, but for their own learning. Students can learn the material, understand the structure and importance of the material, and begin preparing properly.

ICSE Computer Syllabus for Class 9: Syllabus Overview

When they become adults, ninth-grade students will see dramatic computer growth. The Computer Application course is therefore offered in grade 9. Given that it is a subject that all students must learn, the computer subject is entirely different from the subjects they have studied at their foundational level. This topic covers protocol, computer applications, and other aspects of computer development. Students need technical expertise. The students gain the assurance they need to succeed in the real world. Only when they apply for the job will they encounter serious competition. Only when you have understood more about computers, their language, and their use as a tool for communication does your CV stand out from those of the other applicants.

Studying computer programmes also fosters problem-solving abilities, which are crucial life skills. Students also learn about the design, analysis, and creation of hardware and software that can be utilised to address issues in a range of professional, social, and other contexts.


  • To give students the tools and resources they need to create their applications.
  • To introduce students to tools that will help them expand their knowledge, promote creativity, enhance efficiency, and widen their perspectives.
  • To make it possible for students to understand how to use the World Wide Web for information gathering, communication, and collaboration with peers and the global academic community.

ICSE Computer Application Syllabus For Class 9: Detailed Syllabus

Chapter 1: Operating System

  • Introduction to Operating System

The requirement for an operating system, its features and operations, and familiarity with installing and removing software.

  • Graphic User Interface

Working with the Graphical User Interface (GUI), managing the desktop, using a GUI’s components, and handling files and directories.

Chapter 2: The Internet

Internet, WWW, e-mail, modem, and related protocols.

Chapter 3: Computing And Ethics

  • Issues with Computer Ethics.

Intellectual property rights, the preservation of the individual’s right to privacy, the security of data on the internet, the prevention of spam, software piracy, and cybercrime, the prevention of hacking, and the prevention of malicious code and malevolent intent.

Chapter 4: Office Application Software

  • Spreadsheets, a word processor, and a multimedia presentation
  • Discuss the following features for spreadsheets, multimedia presentations, and word processors.
  • Spell check, grammar check, formatting, printing, opening and closing, saving, and header/footer.

Chapter 5: Database Packages

The database management requirements include creating and saving, editing, calculating, updating the database’s structure, sorting, indexing, querying, and report production and developing apps, using numerous databases, and connecting and embedding objects.

Chapter 6: Elementary Concept Of Objects And Classes

Using objects to model entities and their behaviour, using classes as both an object factory and a specification for objects, and computing as message passing or function calls among objects (several examples should be used to demonstrate this). The state (attributes) and behaviour of objects are encapsulated (functions). as a user-defined type or class.

Chapter 7: Values And Types

The various types of tokens, assignments, primitive types, operations on primitive values, and expressions (assignment is also an expression).

The primitive types and the range of values that each one represents. Discuss all the logical, relational, and mathematical operations that can be performed on primitive types. Talk about the operators’ precedence and associativity. Describe the idea of typecasting.

Chapter 8: Conditionals And Non-Nested Loops

Use of switch-case, if else, and if else if ladder (default, break).

The for loop has a fixed number of iterations. While and do-while loop iterations have an unknown number.

At this point, the conditional/ternary operator (?:) should be used.

Loops are essential to computing, and examples should be used to demonstrate their use.

Examples include different number-based puzzles, including prime, composite, perfect, and Fibonacci numbers, among others.

Preparation Tips For ICSE Computer Application Syllabus For Class 9

Some of the best ICSE Class 9 Computer Applications Syllabus guidance can be found below:

  • Organise your day’s activities in accordance with the course syllabus to effectively cover the difficult subject.
  • Try to stick to your daily study plan and finish 90% of the daily study material.
  • Your weekly and monthly study plans need to be modified. If you want to recall the majority of the knowledge you learned, make a few changes to the schedule. Studying exam questions from previous years’ exams can aid in improving subject understanding.
  • Try to unwind and quit fretting before studying. Make a captivating lesson plan. You can alternate between studying and reading about your favourite topics during the specified study period.
  • Maintain your optimism and confidence. Pay close attention to the assignments you are given in class. Go through and solve a lot of questions and Past Year Question Papers to improve your conceptual knowledge, speed, and accuracy.
  • Get enough sleep, eat wholesome meals, and stay hydrated all day.

Some Tricks for ICSE Computer Application Syllabus For Class 9

  • Create A Study Plan: Create a study plan before it’s too late. Create an in-depth plan for your coursework. It will be easier for you to understand the topic if you practise the exam-style questions.
  • Quicken Your Pace: Practice answering questions from the previous ten years to improve your speed and accuracy for the upcoming exam.
  • Changes Relative to Your Books: Read them because they are commonly cited in ICSE board questions. Please keep reading the books that the students have.

Benefits of ICSE Computer Application Syllabus For Class 9

Since the chapters in the ISC Class 9 Computer Applications textbook can help students prepare for competitive exams, Computer Applications are crucial for Class 9 students. The benefits of the ICSE Computer Syllabus for Class 9 are as follows:

  • The ICSE Class 9 Computer Applications Syllabus may help students do better on exams and earn higher grades.
  • The course content for the academic year is divided into chapters and subjects in the syllabus.
  • Both the topics covered in the course and any potential creative tasks for the entire year are covered in the course description.
  • The ICSE Class 9 Computer Applications Syllabus, which is available to students, is often used by teachers.
  • After carefully and thoroughly analysing the curriculum, experts produced the syllabus.
  • Students are less nervous because they are accustomed to the structure and methodology of the examination on the topic of classical studies.

ICSE Computer Applications Class 9 Syllabus

There is one written paper of two hours duration carrying 100 marks and Internal Assessment of 100 marks. The paper is divided into two sections: A and B. Section A (Compulsory – 40 marks) consists of compulsory short answer questions covering the entire syllabus.

Section B (60 marks) consists of questions which require detailed answers and there is a choice of questions in this section.

1. Introduction to Object Oriented Programming concepts

(i) Principles of Object Oriented Programming, (Difference between Procedure Oriented and Object oriented)

(ii) Introduction to JAVA – Types of java programs – Applets and Applications, Java Compilation process, Java Source code, Byte code, Object code, Java Virtual Machine (JVM), Features of JAVA.

2. Elementary Concept of Objects and Classes

Modelling entities and their behaviour by objects, a class as a specification for objects and as an object factory, computation as message passing/method calls between objects (many examples should be done to illustrate this). Objects encapsulate state (attributes) and have behaviour (methods). Class as a user defined data type.

3. Values and data types

Character set, ASCII code, Unicode, Escape sequences, Tokens, Constants and Variables, Data types, type conversions.

4. Operators in Java

Forms of operators, Types of operators, Counters, Accumulators, Hierarchy of operators, ‘new’ operator, dot ( . ) operator.

5. Input in Java

Initialization, Parameter, introduction to packages, Input streams (Scanner Class), types of errors, types of comments.

6. Mathematical Library Methods

Introduction to package java.lang [ default ], methods of Math class.

7. Conditional constructs in Java

Application of if, if else, if else if ladder, switch-case, default, break.

8. Iterative constructs in Java

Definition, Types of looping statements, entry controlled loops [ for, while], exit controlled loop [do while] , variations in looping statements, and Jump statements.

Loops are fundamental to computation and their need should be shown by examples.

9. Nested for loops

Introduce nested loops through some simple examples. Demonstrate break and continue statements with the help of nested loops.

10. Computing and Ethics

Ethical Issues in Computing.

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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Why are Computer Applications taught in class nine?

We depend on Computers for a variety of reasons. Currently, computers are king. No matter the industry or management, computers are used everywhere. The computer is used in a variety of industries, including medicine, education, banking, commerce, entertainment, government, and the arts. So, the significance is understood.

2. What is the ICSE curriculum for Class 9 Computer Application, and how important is it?

Of course, this subject matters in both our academic and practical lives. If the students want a better career and greater technical expertise, they won’t need to skip this course. However, if you choose the computer science group, it will be considered a core topic and carry a significant amount of weight in the exam. To perform well in the following grade, which will be continued with the following level of language, earn the highest possible grade in this topic.

3. What are all the Computer languages that ninth-grade students should be familiar with?

Over the past century, Computer languages have grown significantly. The language becomes less complex and simpler for people to understand.  Introduction to computers, programming principles, computer graphics, word processing and spreadsheets, programming languages for databases, computer graphics, system analysis and design, C++ project management, management information systems, PHP, Python,.Net, C, flutter development, and so on are just a few of the many languages covered.

4. What does "Computer Application" entail, and why is it important for students in Class 9?

An Application sometimes referred to as an application programme or software, is a collection of computer programmes created to carry out a particular task for the end user or, in the case of other apps, for other applications. When the user enters the data, this programme often consists of a collection of activities that run the application on their behalf.

5. How can Extramarks ICSE Syllabus for Class 9 Computer Applications access benefit students' daily lives?

Computers with internet access can access websites from other countries and websites run by teachers. Chapter-by-chapter solutions and online materials are readily available through Extramarks. They can determine their grade percentage while studying online by entering their grade and other student information into a tool that can do it rapidly. With computers, anything is only possible if they have a strong internet signal.