ICSE Syllabus Class 9 Maths

ICSE Class 9 Maths Syllabus

Given that Maths is one of their most essential subjects, students are constantly searching for the Maths Class 9 syllabus. Following the ICSE 9th Maths Syllabus may be very beneficial for students studying for their Class 9 Exam.

We can be quite confident that the Extramarks ICSE Class 9 Maths Syllabus will be the ideal fit for people who wish to learn more about the key and fundamental concepts and topics of Maths. The syllabus is not only a huge help to the students for their exams, but it also aids them in comprehending all the more difficult topics and concepts that will be useful to them in the future. Additionally, a number of questions from the Class 9 ICSE Maths syllabus are included in several competitive examinations. Therefore, there is no question that students need to delve deeper and understand more about these crucial topics in order to have a solid foundation in Maths.

This website contains the Class 9 Maths Syllabus. Candidates can assess the basic structure of the course and properly prepare with the help of the ICSE Class Maths Solutions. Candidates must have a solid understanding of the subject matter and the marking standards to develop a successful exam strategy.

Apart from the ICSE Class 9 Maths Syllabus, Extramarks also offers many other resources such as ICSE Solutions, ISC & ICSE Syllabus, ICSE Sample Question Papers, ICSE Revision Notes, ICSE Important Questions, ICSE Question Paper and more.

ICSE Class 9 Maths Syllabus: Syllabus

From the table below, get the most recent ICSE Class 9 Maths syllabus:

Sr. no. Chapter Name Subtopics 
1. Pure Arithmetic Rational and Irrational Numbers
2. Commercial Maths Compound Interest
3. Algebra 
  • Expansions
  • Factorisation
  • Simultaneous Linear Equations in two variables. (Only with numerical coefficients)
  • Indices/Exponents 
4. Geometry 
  • Triangles
  • Pythagoras Theorem
  • Rectilinear Figures
  • Circle 
5. Statistics  Graphical representation of data, Median of ungrouped data, Mean, Introduction, collection of data, presentation of data.
6. Mensuration  Area and circumference of a circle. Area and perimeter of a triangle. Surface area and volume of Cuboids and Cube.
7. Trigonometry  Concept of Trigonometric Ratios of various complementary angles and their direct application, Trigonometric Ratios, Simple 2-D problems involving one right-angled triangle.
8. Coordinate Geometry Cartesian System, solving simultaneous linear equations in 2 variables graphically, plotting points in the plane for given coordinates and finding the distance between two points using the distance formula.

About ICSE Class 9 Maths Syllabus

Knowing the syllabus for the disciplines is essential if you want to get points for being a top student in the class. The ninth-grade Maths curriculum is important in this situation. The variety of chapters available makes for a wealth of knowledge for students. Because of this reason, we go out of our way to ensure that any student who wants to earn good grades has access to the Class 9 ICSE Maths syllabus.

Pure Arithmetic, Trigonometry, Commercial Maths, Compound Interest, Simple Interest, Algebra, Geometry, Mensuration, and Statistics are just a few of the many chapters covered in the syllabus. These chapters provide students with access to a wealth of information regarding various Mathematical concepts and principles. Not to mention that it will benefit them as they prepare for competitive Exams after finishing their courses. As a result, students these days are quite interested in the Math Class 9 syllabus. Who wouldn’t want to perform well academically and maintain their class leadership?

ICSE Class 9 Maths Syllabus: Overview

Students can find all the important information they need to know for exam preparation in the ICSE Class 9 Maths Syllabus. The syllabus includes the following important information:

1. Exam Pattern: The syllabus includes comprehensive details about the exam pattern. The syllabus makes it clear that the exam will last two and a half hours. A total of 80 marks will be awarded for the written exam. There will be two sections to the paper. Short answer questions will be in Section 1. No internal options are provided, and all questions in section 1 must be answered. Seven questions are found in Section 2 on the other hand. In this section, only four of the seven questions must be answered by students.

2. Important Topics and Chapters: The syllabus lists all the chapters covered in the exam. Chapter-specific topics are covered in depth. These comprise the following chapters:

  • Pure Arithmetic
  • Commercial Maths
  • Algebra
  • Geometry
  • Statistics
  • Mensuration
  • Trigonometry

3. Details About Internal Assignment: Details of the internal assessment can be found in the syllabus, where students can access other relevant information. The internal assessment will be worth a total of 20 marks, according to the syllabus. The internal assessment will be based on at least two assignments the teacher recommends.

4. Suggested Assignments: Students will discover a list of suggested assignments under this topic. These include conducting surveys, scheduling deliveries, managing a business, finding the area of a circle, and calculating the volumes and surfaces of cubes, cuboids, and pyramids, among other things.

Students should thoroughly read through each topic to get a solid concept of what they need to do in advance for the assignments. As previously stated, there will be a total of 20 marks awarded for the internal assessment based on the suggested assignments. Therefore, students need to put forth their best work when completing their tasks.

As can be seen, the ICSE Class 9 Maths syllabus contains a lot of information. Therefore, it is essential that students carefully read over every piece of information provided to prepare for the Examinations appropriately.

Details About The ICSE Class 9 Maths Syllabus

1. Pure Arithmetic

Rational and Irrational Numbers

Surds and rationalisation of surds. Rational and Irrational numbers as real numbers, their place in the number system. Number line representation of rational and irrational numbers. Simplifying an expression by rationalising the denominator. 

Proofs of irrationality of √2, √3, √5

2. Commercial Maths

Compound Interest

a. Compound interest as a repeated Simple Interest Computation with a Principal that is growing. Use of this in computing amounts over 2 or more years.

b. Using the formula A = P(1 + r/100)n. And then finding CI from the relation between CI = A – P.

  • Interest compounded including half-yearly.
  • Using the formula to find out one quantity given different combinations of A, P, r, n, CI and SI; including difference between CI and SI type. Rate of growth and depreciation.

3. Algebra 

a. Expansions

  • (a ± b)2
  • (a ± b)3
  • (x ± a)(x ± b)
  • (a ± b ± c)2

b. Factorisation 

  • a2 – b2
  • ax2 + bx + c, by dividing the middle term.
  • a3 ± b3

c. Simultaneous Linear Equations in two variables. (Only with numerical coefficients)

Solving algebraically by:

  • Elimination
  • Substitution
  • Cross Multiplication method

Solving simple problems by framing appropriate equations.

d. Indices/Exponents

Handling positive, fractional, negative and “zero” indices.

Simplification of expressions involving various exponents. Use of laws exponents.

4. Geometry 

a. Triangles

1. Congruency: four cases: SSS, SAS,

2. AAS, and RHS. Illustration through cutouts. Simple applications.

  • Proof and simple applications of midpoint theorem and its converse.
  • Equal intercept theorem: proof and simple application.

3. Pythagoras Theorem : Area-based proof and simple applications of Pythagoras Theorem and its converse.

b. Rectilinear Figures

Proof and the uses of theorems on a Parallelogram.

  • Both pairs of opposite sides are equal (without proof).
  • One pair of opposite sides parallel and equal (without proof).
  • Both pairs of opposite angles are equal.
  • In a rectangle, diagonals are always equal, in a square, they are equal and meet at right angles.
  • Diagonals bisect each other and then bisect the parallelogram.
  • A rhombus is a special parallelogram whose diagonals meet at right angles.

c. Circle 

1. Chord Properties 

  • A straight line drawn from the centre of a circle that bisects a chord which is not a diameter, it is at right angles to the chord.
  • The perpendicular to a chord from the centre bisects the chord (without proof).
  • All the equal chords are equidistant from the centre.
  • Chords equidistant from the centre are always equal (without proof).
  • There is just one circle that passes through three given points, not in a straight line.

2. Chord And Arc Properties

  • If two arcs subtend equal angles at the centre, only then they are equal, and it is converse.
  • If two chords are equal, then they cut off equal arcs, and its converse (without proof).

5. Statistics

Introduction, collection of data, Mean, Median of ungrouped data, presentation of data, Graphical representation of data.

  • Recognition and understanding of raw, arrayed and grouped data.
  • Tabulation of raw data using only tally-marks.
  • Recognition and understanding of discrete and continuous variables.
  • Mean, the median of ungrouped data.
  • Class intervals, boundaries and limits, frequency, frequency table, and class size for grouped data.
  • Grouped frequency distributions: how to and the need to convert discontinuous intervals to continuous intervals.
  • Drawing a frequency polygon.

6. Mensuration 

Perimeter and Area of a triangle, Circumference and Area of circle. Surface area and volume of Cuboids and Cube.

a. Perimeter and Area of triangle (including Heron’s formula).

b. Circle: Circumference and Area. Areas of sectors of circles other than semicircle and quarter-circle are not included. Direct application problems including Inner and Outer area. 

c. Surface area and volume of 3-D solids: cuboid and cube including problems of type involving:

  • Different external and internal dimensions of the solid.
  • Concept of volume being equal to area of cross-section x height.
  • Cost.
  • Open/closed cubes/cuboids.

7. Trigonometry 

  • Trigonometric Ratios: cosine, sine, tangent of an angle and their reciprocals.
  • Trigonometric ratios of standard angles – 0, 30, 60, 90, 45, degrees. Evaluation of an expression involving these ratios.
  • Simple 2-D problems involving only one right-angled triangle.
  • Concept of trigonometric ratios of complementary angles and their direct application:

sin A = cos (90 – A), cos A = sin (90 – A)

sec A = cosec (90 – A), cosec A=sec (90 – A)

tan A = cot (90 – A), cot A = tan (90- A)

8. Coordinate Geometry

Cartesian System, solving simultaneous linear equations in 2 variables graphically, plotting of points in the plane for given coordinates and finding the distance between two points using distance formula.

  • Dependent and independent variables.
  • Ordered pairs, and coordinates of points and then plotting them in the Cartesian plane.
  • Solution of Simultaneous Linear Equations graphically.
  • Distance formula.

ICSE Class 9 Maths Syllabus: Internal Assessment

A minimum of at least two assignments are to be done during the year as the teacher prescribes.

  • Conduct a survey of a group of students and then represent it graphically – height, number of family members, weight, pocket money, etc.
  • Planning delivery routes for a milkman/postman.
  • Running a tuck canteen/shop.
  • Study different ways of raising a loan to buy a house or car, e.g. bank loan or purchase a television set or refrigerator through hire purchase.
  • Cut a circle into equal sections of a small central angle to find the area of a circle using the formula A = πr2.
  • To use flat cutouts to form cuboids, cube and pyramids to get formulae for total surface area and volume.
  • Draw a circle of radius (r) on a ½ cm graph paper and then again on a 2 mm graph paper. Estimate the area enclosed in both cases by actually counting the squares. Now try out again with circles of different radii. Establish the pattern between the two observed values and the theoretical value (area = π r2). 

What Are The Advantages Of ICSE Class 9 Maths Syllabus

The syllabus for Maths class 9 is frequently the subject of many questions from students, including the aspects that are the most beneficial. We are here to address and help with any and all of their questions, after all. One of the main advantages of having a Class 9 Maths syllabus is that it was meticulously crafted in compliance with every ICSE guideline. As a result, the syllabus is structured so students may comprehend all the fundamentals and obtain a general comprehension of what to expect from the chapters. It is also quite helpful when trying to learn more about the various practical and analytical problems that students could encounter. Therefore, checking out the Extramarks website for the most recent information on the Class 9 Maths curriculum might be the best idea.

Preparation Tips For ICSE Class 9 Maths Syllabus

The following are some of the top ICSE Class 9 Maths Syllabus tips:

  • Make a schedule using the syllabus to cover the difficult subjects effectively.
  • Try to stick to your daily study plan and finish 90% of the daily study material.
  • Plan revisions for every week and every month. If you want to remember the majority of the material you studied, make a few changes. Solving exam issues from previous years to better understand the subject of an exam question.
  • Take measures to reduce the tension and anxiety associated with learning. Create an interesting course summary. Your favourite subjects for reading about and studying can rotate during your designated study period.
  • Maintain your confidence and positive outlook. Pay close attention to the assignments you do in class. Go through and solve many questions and past year question papers to improve conceptual understanding and to increase speed and accuracy.
  • Get plenty of restful sleep, consume wholesome foods, and drink plenty of water throughout the day.

Some Tricks for ICSE Class 9 Maths Syllabus

  • Make A Study Plan: Make a study plan before it’s too late. Plan your studies carefully. Be sure to practise the exam-style questions as you grow more familiar with the material.
  • Increase Your Speed: Practise answering questions from the past ten years to increase your speed and accuracy for the upcoming exam.
  • Check Your Books: Most ICSE board questions solely use your texts, so check them out. Therefore, finish reading all of your books.
  • Maintain Your Physical Wellness: Recognise how your mental health is impacted by the strength of your muscles and abs. To reduce mental tension, it is always a good idea to go for a morning run or take a 30-minute break to play badminton in the evening.

Benefits of ICSE Class 9 Maths Syllabus

  • The ICSE Class 9 Maths Syllabus may help students improve on exams and get better results.
  • The syllabus describes each chapter and subject that students will study throughout the academic year.
  • The course outline outlines the subjects that are covered in the course as well as the possible creative tasks for the full year.
  • Professors also follow the ICSE Class 9 Maths syllabus; thus, students can prepare by consulting it.
  • The syllabus was created by experts who conducted a thorough and in-depth curriculum analysis.
  • Because they are accustomed to the exam format, students are less apprehensive thanks to the evaluation pattern for the Maths curriculum.

ICSE Syllabus Class 9 Maths

ICSE Class 9 Maths Syllabus

Sl. No. Chapter Name Subtopics
1. Pure Arithmetic Rational & Irrational numbers
2. Commercial Mathematics Compound Interest
3. Algebra Expansions


Simultaneous Linear Equations in two variables. (With numerical coefficients only)



4. Geometry Triangles

(a) Congruency: four cases: SSS, SAS, AAS, and RHS. Illustration through cutouts. Simple applications.

(b) Problems based on:

  • Angles opposite equal sides are
    equal and converse.
  • If two sides of a triangle are
    unequal, then the greater angle is
    opposite the greater side and
  • Sum of any two sides of a triangle is
    greater than the third side.
  • Of all straight lines that can be
    drawn to a given line from a point
    outside it, the perpendicular is the

(c) Mid-Point Theorem and its converse, equal intercept theorem

(d)Pythagoras Theorem

Rectilinear Figures

(a) Proof and use of theorems on parallelogram.

(b) Constructions of Polygons

(c) Proof and use of Area theorems on parallelograms


(a) Chord properties

(b) Arc and chord properties

5. Statistics Introduction, collection of data, presentation of data, Graphical representation of data, Mean, Median of ungrouped data.
6. Mensuration Area and perimeter of a triangle, Area and circumference of circle. Surface area and volume of Cube and Cuboids.
7. Trigonometry Trigonometric Ratios, Trigonometric ratios of standard angles, Simple 2D problems involving one right-angled triangle and Concept of trigonometric ratios of complementary angles and their direct application.
8. Co-ordinate Geometry Cartesian System, plotting of points in the plane for given coordinates, solving simultaneous linear equations in 2 variables graphically and finding the distance between two points using distance formula.

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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What qualifies as the best aspect of the Class 9 Math Curriculum?

The following are some of the best features of the Class 9 ICSE Maths curriculum:

  • Simple access options: Students at Extramarks can readily view the course syllabus. The nicest feature of the Extramarks material is the hassle-free options.
  • Thoroughly researched curriculum: The Extramarks syllabus is revised frequently and is only released after thorough investigation and consultation of the official ICSE publications.
  • Knowledge of the subjects in-depth: Extramarks experts supply all the crucial information for students to understand the syllabus.
  • Additional information: On its syllabus websites, Extramarks offers students additional information in addition to the official syllabus.

2. Is Extramarks Class 9 Maths syllabus dependable?

Undoubtedly, students may trust all of the study materials offered by Extramarks. The curriculum and all additional study materials are only published after thorough research has been done and are closely supervised by Extramarks expert professionals. Following the official ICSE announcements, the ICSE syllabus at Extramarks is updated frequently. Additionally, Extramarks offers a thorough review of the syllabus as well as the advantages for students who use it as a resource for their coursework. Therefore, Extramarks is the ideal location to find all the reliable study resources in one location.

3. In what ways can Extramarks help students succeed in the ICSE Class 9 Maths Exam?

Extramarks offers more than merely providing students with crucial study-related information. It offers all of its students’ wholesome assistance and direction. Students can get the following study materials from Extramarks to understand Class 9 Maths:

  • A thorough curriculum will assist students in creating a well-organised study programme.
  • Additionally, ICSE Class 9 Revision Notes are available for students, making them the ideal revision tool.
  • One more fantastic resource for kids is ICSE Class 9 Maths Solutions.
  • In order to prepare successfully for the exams, students are advised to use the ICSE Class 9 Maths Sample Papers.